Single step cleanup kit for the removal of inhibitory activities and impurities due to residual organic solvents of total RNA/mRNA. Efficiently removes TRIzolTM, phenol, chloroform, ethanol, proteins/enzymes, and salts, having inhibitory effects on downstream applications.
Only one purification step, ready in just 3 minutes.
When using EchoCLEAN kits the recovery of nucleic acids is close to 100% since there is no loss of RNA caused by the binding to a carrier material. In comparison, binding to e.g. a silica membrane in bind-wash elute procedures will cause a loss of up to 30% of the target nucleic acid material.
EchoCLEAN kits do not contain any chaotropic salts, organic solvents or EDTA, a superior performance is seen in real-time PCR, even with undiluted samples. Because of the reverse chromatography principle, there is no limitation to the amount of RNA that is cleaned up.
Maximum sample volume is 100 µl. The purified nucleic acid is eluted in low mM tris buffer, pH 8,2 and can immediately be used for downstream applications.